“Bonnie & Clyde in the Afterlife”

Subtitle: Somewhere in Louisiana during the Great Depression.

This surrealist symbolist painting has gone through 15 versions so far. Countless hours of work. Seen by approximately 300 people on my FB page Art by Inglis. Soon to be seen on my new art website; more news to follow.

It’s about our fascination with violence, and criminals who spark our imagination as B & C did in their day; it’s about our mistrust of banks and government, and our tendency to idolize rebels who seemingly rob the rich and give to the poor. Its also about deep, sometimes dark connections, as B & C were very close. They knew they would die together before long, and yet chose to continue along their path of murder and mayhem. Bonnie actually wrote poems about their deeds and sent them in to newspapers that printed them.

Started around the time of the Hamas bombing. Secular and spiritual peace are always an option, even at the worst moments, thus the heavenly gateway sign held by Smokey the forest fire Bear. The leering satyr is …. well…… lets just say he’s Hungry!

Grisly sidebar: If you were to go to Primm Valley Resort & Casino in Primm, Nevada, 35 miles South of Las Vegas, you could see the actual “death car.”

A month ago I watched the movie Bonnie and Clyde (1967), with Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty. Brilliantly acted and directed, nominated for several Academy awards, it caused a stir at the time of release because of its violent ending.

Note: Yes this painting was created with the help of an AI, Stable Diffusion. I don’t feel threatened by the new technology but rather choose to embrace it. Therefore, I use the AI as a painter’s helper. Many successful artists, past and present, have had studio assistants who would lay out the backgrounds or finish details before or after the artist has done his work.